
Customer happiness, exceeding expectations.​

From just a seven-men-setup, today we have grown to a full blown call centre that manage job orders, warranties and enquiries via multiple communication channels – providing awesome experience to our customers.​

As we hustle our way through, in January 2019, we managed to establish’s Contact Centre in the heart of Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam. Our Contact Centre, today is the epicenter of’s traffic redistribution.

A centralized source for orders received from multiple touchpoints including hotline, whatsapp and text messages, the Contact Centre also redistribute orders to the closest stock location for orders received from App, Web, Chat and even Social Media channels.

Manning the floor are our professionally trained Customer Happiness Agents who are trained in providing Awesome Customer Experience, every time, all the time. We believe in building sustainable relationship with all of our stakeholders, both internal and external stakeholders.

From internal stakeholders including our BHero, BPreneur and BBuddy network, the Contact Centre is responsible in creating an agile communication channel to enable an inclusive ecosystem that is capable to serve customers needs, anytime and everytime.

Harnessing the advancement of technology, the Contact Centre monitors and controls on-the-ground job traffic to ensure customers are served within 30 to 45 minutes. Our agents are able to handle high traffic request and make speedy assignments for roadside assistance in regard to battery replacement, after sales and warranty handling.



Today, not only is has able to serve more than 1.3 million customers natiowide, our Contact Center is also responsible in managing orders from Breakdown to Roadside Assist 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. 



The Command Centre is an armory for Bateriku to disrupt and digitize the lucrative brick and mortar ‘Bengkel’ market into a single digital ecosystem that is beneficial to users and business owners alike.

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