

Nationwide Battery Asisst ("NBA") by

NBA is a nationwide battery assist program offered to all car owners that has purchased batteries from any Battery Shops/Workshops/Merchants that have registered under the NBA program.

NBA is not a warranty program but we provide roadside assistance to get your vehicle back on the road.

Benefit : Services under NBA

1. Jumpstart

Our technicians will be deployed to jumpstart your car on-site using's Standard Operating Procedures.

2. Temporary battery replacement ("Floating")

In the event that your car fails to start, we will offer floating battery to get you back on the road. The floating battery can be purchased at a minimum cost.

*Terms and conditions applied

3. Referral

Should both attempt of jumpstart and temporary battery replacement fails, we will, through our nationwide ecosystem, provide Referral to's Trust Roadside Asisst Partners.

Terms & Condition

1. acts as the sub-contractor for the Battery Shop/Workshop/Merchant.<br>

2. The assistance provided by is intended to get your car back on the road, enabling you to drive to the place where your battery was purchased (Battery Shop/Workshop/Merchant).

3. Upon contacting, our Contact Centre will perform an online diagnostic of your vehicles condition.

4. Based on the findings, we will then deploy our Battery Technician to your car location.

5. A minimum of RM 30.00 charge shall be agreed upon deployment of our Battery Technician.

6. Our Battery Technician will then perform vehicle inspection and diagnostic to find the root cause of your vehicle.

7 If it is a battery problem, our Battery Technician will then perform jump-start procedures using’s Standard Operating Procedures.

8. If the jump-start procedure is unsuccessful, we will then recommend you to purchase a temporary battery replacement (“floating”) for you to get back on the road.

9. Once your vehicle issue is rectified, the floating battery purchased from can be resold back to any of’s nationwide outlet.

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